Craftsman: mida me ostame

Vaatasin ÕS-ist järgi, mida tähendab kriis? Ohtlik seisund, järsk pööre, vastas raamat.

Küsisin endalt, mida meeskonnad jätavad tegemata, kui on ohtlik seisund või järsk pööre?’

Leidsin kinnitus Seth Godini blogipostituses, kus Iga Kaasatud meeskonna liige on tähtsam kui bürokraatia. Tähendus on inimestes läbi protsessi.

Seth kirjutas nii:

Craftspeople and time

Tell us when you’re going to finish.

Tell us if you fall behind.

Don’t make us ask.

It’s difficult for a small organization or a dedicated craftsperson to run an operation as punctually as a large bureaucracy. After all, the bureaucracy exists mainly to be sure that deadlines are honored and variances are not exceeded.

Your customers are aware of this. It’s one reason that they chose you–because you’re doing the work yourself, you’re a person, not an industry.

Don’t hide this unless you can hide it completely.

It’s amazing how much slack people will give you if you’re proactive about what you see and what you know. No need to make promises you can’t keep, and no need to hide from the promises you’ve made.

We’re buying the process from you, not just what you’re making.


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